Wednesday, November 30, 2011

SECURITY 3 probs

SECURITY                                       SECURITY                                                                SECURITY
                                                NYT claims evidence that US and                                         FBI warns of
NEW SECURITY                                    Israel jointly created Stuxnet                                          banking Trojan
                                                An article in the New                                                   The US FBI's Internet Crime

AND PATCHED                                     York Times dated                                                        intelligence center has warned

                                                January 15, 2011,                                                       businesses of a Trojan that

                                                claims that recently                                                    logs into users' online bank

                                                uncovered Wikileaks                                                     accounts on compromised

                                                cables contain evidence                                                 computers. While the

                                                that the Stuxnet worm                                                   technique isn't particularly

                                                that spread rapidly                                                     new, the payload delivery

                                                around the world in                                                     method is. The Trojan is

                                                late 2009 was in fact                                                   attached to emails designed

                                                deliberately developed                                                  to look like responses to job

                                                by the US in collaboration with Israel, specifi cally to target          application advertisements.

                                                and disable Iran's nuclear efforts. The newspaper further               The criminals behind the scam
  Spammers can send messages through
                                                ordinary day-to-day functioning of the nuclear facility and             have posted job notices and
 a manipulated website on Google
 accounts without knowing their mail            then played these back in order to mask its activities. The             are even tailoring these emails
 addresses. It is enough to be logged in        article cites unnamed experts who say that Stuxnet is still             to look like responses to those
 as a Google Mail user and visit a              being studied, and is far more complicated than anything                specifi c requirements. Once the
 hacker site in a new tab.                      ever previously encountered. If true, this would make it the            worm obtains users' banking
 SOLUTION: Google has already taken             fi rst known instance of a successful cyber weapon. With                 credentials, it transfers money
 up the issue of this error in their
                                                such capabilities out in the wild, any kind of chaos could be           to an account registered in the
 mail service—special configuration
                                                spread by forces that manage to modify it for themselves.               Ukraine.
 is not required.

                                                SECURITY                                                                SECURITY
 A zero-day vulnerability in Windows
 enables offenders to provide admin              Hackers circumvent industry-                                           FB cancels phone
 rights to the actual user via a
 StackOverflow and install malware.             standard image signatures                                               number sharing
 SOLUTION: A Microsoft patch isn’t
 available up till now, however the
 Software giant is already working on            Photos taken with
 a bug fix for this problem.                    professional Canon cameras

                                                can be embedded with an
 G DATA INTERNET SECURITY                       ODD signature (Original

 The latest G DATA anti virus scanner            Decision Data). This is                                                Narrowly   avoiding   yet
 raises an error alarm while visiting           designed to ensure that the                                             another   uproar   over   sharing
 popular sites: the sites may be                photo cannot be altered or                                              users'   private   information
 infested with JS:RedirectorEN. These
                                                retouched without being                                                 with   third   parties,   Facebook
 alarms are in fact false positives.
 SOLUTION: G Data has stated that it is         detected. However Dmitry Sklyarov, a safety expert from                 has   decided   to   temporarily
 concerned with error alarms in all              ElcomSoft, has now showed how he can forge this signature,             roll   back   a   feature   that   would
 cases. With the next update the                at the CONFidence 2.0 hacker trade fair. The expert read                grant   application   developers
 websites should be shown correctly             out and analyzed the fi rmware of his Canon EOS 30D using                access   to   its   users'   phone
 and without an incorrect error     message being displayed.                       encryption code and was thus able to forge ODD signatures               addresses.   The   capability   will

                                                and deceive the offi cial Canon signature reader, known as               be   reintroduced   when   a   more
 CLAM AV                                        the OSKE3 Security Kit. Canon is aware of this shortcoming              transparent   system   for   opting

 After an erroneous update, the free            but has not commented on it till now. News agencies and                 out   can   be   implemented.   Apps
 virus scanner considers Windows a               insurance providers have been using ODD for years in order             which   use   this   information
 virus and then tries to quarantine the
                                                to be able to check the authenticity of a photo—such as its             will   be   able   to   target   users
 entire system.
                                                recording time and place. Several controversial photo edits             and   send   notifi cations
 SOLUTION: ClamWin has provided a
 problem-free update of its tool on             have made the news in the past few years, embarassing the               directly   to   their   phones,
 its website.                                   responsible agencies and leading to allegations of bias or              possibly   including   unsolicited

                                                manipulation of the news.                                               advertisements.

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