Thursday, July 28, 2011

How to Make Jello Shots

Jello Shots are so easy, even a Drunk can do it!

The basic method for making Jello shots is to bring one cup of water to a boil (or nuke it in the microwave for about 2:30). Pour in one regular sized box of Jello mix (whatever flavor you like), and stir until dissolved. Then add a cup of your favorite liquor.
Stir the mixture well, pour into individual shot cups, and place in the fridge for a few hours. Presto! You have Jello Shots!

Jello Shot Recipes

  • Margarita Jello Shot - Tequila and Lime Jello
  • Fuzzy Naval Jello Shot - Peach Schnapps and Orange Jello
  • Jolly Rancher Jello Shot - Sour Apple Schnapps and Watermelon Jello
  • Strawberry Daiquiri - White rum and Strawberry Jello
  • Peach Pie - Captain Morgan and Peach Jello

But wait, there’s more!

Don’t settle for plain old run-of-the-mill Jello Shots like you had in your dorm room in college. You can easily Punch those shots up by trying any of the ideas below:
  • Try substituting juice for the water. If you want even more flavor, you can even use frozen juice concentrates. Shooters are usually strong tasting anyway, so the strong taste of the concentrate goes well.
  • You can add fruit (like a single strawberry, orange slice, or cherry) to each shot before you pour in the Jello. If you do this, it’s a good idea to soak the fruit in the liquor you are going to use in the shot for a day or two. Doing so will infuse the liquor with the juice from the fruit, and vice versa.
  • Add a little whipped cream to the top of your Jello Shots to make a high-octane desert.
  • Usually the Jello will stick to the shot cup. To fix this, put some warm (not hot) water in a tray and put the shot cups in the water. The warmth will melt the Jello slightly around the edges so it will easily slide out of the shot cup. Don’t warm it too much, or else you will totally melt the Jello.
Keep in mind that it is NEVER cool to slurp your Jello through a straw. Also, the Jello will slow the absorption of the alcohol into your bloodstream. So, be careful. One Jello shot is usually equal to one cocktail. If you pile too many on at once, you’ll find yourself getting sick later on.
Also, it is not a good idea to use grain alcohol (190 proof) in your Jello shots. Sure, it increases the alcohol level, but it makes them taste horrible, and the potency can be dangerous.

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